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Krone Rundballenpresse used & new
13.668 €(11.390 € excl. 20% VAT)
Year of manuf.: 2013
Second-hand machine
AT-9500 Villach
19.900 €(17.611 € excl. 13% VAT)
AT-9500 Villach
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49.276 €(43.607 € excl. 13% VAT)
Bale ramp, Compressed Air
Year of manuf.: 2021
Second-hand machine
AT-4971 Aurolzmünster
18.500 €(16.372 € excl. 13% VAT)
AT-5531 Eben
Price on request
AT-5580 Tamsweg
20.900 €(18.496 € excl. 13% VAT)
Year of manuf.: 2000
Operating hours: 19700 Stunden
Second-hand machine
AT-4851 Gampern
12.800 €(11.327 € excl. 13% VAT)
Year of manuf.: 1900
Second-hand machine
AT-3902 Vitis
Price on request
AT-5580 Tamsweg
62.990 €(52.492 € excl. 20% VAT)
AT-5580 Tamsweg
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